Breaking barriers to entrepreneurial success.

We connect micro-businesses to the financial resources and capital they need in order to achieve financial wealth and resiliency.
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We provide access to financial wealth through entrepreneurship.


We provide character-based loans to start, stabilize, grow, and expand a business. No minimum credit score is required. Loans range from $500 to $25,000.
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Technical Assistance

Our Technical Assistance providers help individual clients identify their specific entrepreneurial and financial goals and use them to build custom individualized plans.
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Business Training

Our group business training sessions supplement individualized technical assistance by building the entrepreneurial skillset and personal financial wellbeing.
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Total loan amount that we helped our clients access since 2021


Total loan amount provided directly from the Greenline Loan Fund


Percentage of our clients who are Hispanic or Latino

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Greenline Access Capital
Greenline Access Capital is a 501(c)(3) mission-driven financial institution that helps micro-businesses achieve financial wealth and resiliency.
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3525 I St, Unit 111
Philadelphia, PA 19134